useEffect Hooks

useEffect Hooks

"Managing Side Effects and Lifecycle Events with useEffect Hook"

The Effect Hook let's you perform side effects in function components.

Let's explore useEfect in React on therr lifecycle phases of React component.

  • Mount

  • Update

  • Unmount

1. useEffect Hook (Mount)

useEffect hook with empty dependency array work as componentDidMount andruns just on the mount.

import React from 'react' ;
const UsseEffectHookMount = () => {
useEffect(() =>> {
console.log("useEffect runs on mount");
export default UseEffectHookMount;

2. useEffect Hook (Update)

useEffect hook with dependency array works as componentDidUpdate and run every time the array value changes.

import React from 'react' ;
const UsseEffectHookMount = () => {
   const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

useEffect(() =>> {
console.log("count changed");
      onClick={() => {
         setCount(c => c + 1);
export default UseEffectHookMount;

3. useEffect Hook (Unmount)

You can execute componentWillUnmount behaviour by returning a function inside useEffect. Here, you can perfom clean up task that you perform in componentWillUnmount.

import React from 'react' ;
const UsseEffectHookMount = () => {
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
console.log("Component is unmounting");
export default UseEffectHookMount;